Preferential changes, the Moonlighting of our Localization industry

Do you remember the TV show of the late 80's early 90's Moonlighting? I remember the two main characters played by Cybill Shepherd Bruce Willis always arguing about who was right. And I believe in the Localization industry we have our own Moonlighting show, this time starred by the Translators and Reviewers, this time fighting about who's right when it comes to preferential changes during the review the phase. 

Take a look at my article where I reflect on the delicate subject of the preferential changes during the revision phase. Happy reading :)

Choose a HUMAN not a machine (translation)

Last week Google presented new phones and they introduced the Google Pixel Buds and these headphones are magical ... they translate up to 40 languages in real time! Again many comments in social media predicting the apocalypse of the translation industry ... and again, I believe that good translators can remain totally calm as I don't think these gadgets/technology can replace them. This week in my post I reflect about why I don't think these fancy pieces of hardware can retire aG-localizer!

I WANT to break ..... into the video-games localization industry!

A lot of gamers dream of one day being able to work in the game industry. Some of them even dream about translating games. They dream about crashing the language barrier to help everyone to enjoy a video game in their native language. It sounds like a nice desire, but, how does someone break into the video games and localization industry? That's what I cover in the following article :) 

My minimalist Localization thoughts: one vendor or multiple vendors

We live in a world of excess, quite often facing the paradox of choice. Is it possible to live better with less? Is this minimalist approach applicable to the relation client-language provider? What can provide better results: working with a single vendor? or with multiple vendors to cover all our G-localization needs? Keep reading :) I share with you some thoughts in my weekly post ... 

My Top 5 facts to promote Localization

When over 80% of people say they are more likely to purchase a service they understand in their native language there should not be doubts about the importance of Localization .... however, there are still doubts about the role of Localization and the benefits it might bring to the companies. Please check out my latest post to know which is my Top 5 of Localizations stats that I use to influence decision makers!